Vol. 59 No. 3

March, 2010

Table of Contents

Development of Chromatography System Organic Solvent-Free Using Multi-Functional Polymers
Tadashi Nishio and Hideko Kanazawa 163
Development of Polymer-Coated Packing Materials for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Taketoshi Kanda 175
Retention Behavior of Reversed-Phase HPLC Columns with 100% Aqueous Mobile Phases
Norikazu Nagae 193
Technical Papers
Rapid Analysis for Brominated Flame Retardants by HPLC with Conductivity Detection Following Postcolumn Photolysis
Kazuhisa Uchiyama, Mari Kondo, Kasumi Nakamura, Hiroshi Itoh, Miyuki Tonegawa, Yoshiharu Namegaya, Ichiro Tajima and Atsushi Yamamoto 207
Rapid Preparation Methods of Biological Samples for Ionic Compounds Using Ion Exchange Type Monolithic Silica Spin Column
Shota Miyazaki, Tomoko Yamada, Shigenori Ohta, Takeshi Saito, Akira Namera and Masayoshi Ohira 213
Determination of Impurities in 17β-Estradiol Reagent by HPLC with Charged Aerosol Detector
Taichi Yamazaki, Toshihide Ihara, Satoe Nakamura and Kenji Kato 219
Development of Protein A-Affinity HPLC Analysis System for the Quantification of Human Monoclonal Antibody (hMab)
Tomoko Isoda, Taishiro Nakagawa, Takashi Ishihara and Toshihiko Kadoya 225
Extraction Procedure of Skin Components for Non-Invasive Measurement
Itaru Ota, Shuji Shirai, Hiroshi Shiigi and Tsutomu Nagaoka 233
Simultaneous Analysis for Carbohydrates in Drinks by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Charged Aerosol Detector
Masayoshi Tamura, Ayumi Takahashi, Atsuo Uyama and Naoki Mochizuki 239
Analysis for Organic Acid by Postcolumn Ultra High-Speed Liquid Chromatography
Midori Sasaki, Masako Ishikawa, Hiroshi Suzuki and Hiroaki Nakagawa 247
Determination of Acrolein in the Atmosphere by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Non Acidified DNPH Derivatization
Hiroyuki Hagino and Akemi Nakayama 251