Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 35(7), 789 (2019).

Application of High-speed Countercurrent Chromatography for the Purification of High-purity Illudin S from Omphalotus japonicus
Yuki UTO, Kazuki SASAKI, Miki TAKAHASHI, Koji MORIMOTO, and Koichi INOUE
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Illudin S from mushroom, such as Omphalotus japonicus and illudens, is a natural sesquiterpene analog with strong anti-tumor and antiviral activities. These illudins compounds are highly effective against various drug-resistant cancers that show extreme cytotoxicity an in vitro assay. However, it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of highly pure illudin S from a natural product by simple, efficient and low-cost purification techniques. Here, we offer to apply the high-speed countercurrent chromatography for the preparative purification of illudin S from mushroom extract. For a two-solvent system, the optimal condition of hexane/ethyl acetate/methanol/water (1/5/1/5, v/v/v/v) was optimized to obtain pure illudin S from a crude extract. This purified component was evaluated by liquid chromatography (high-purity >99%) and tandem mass spectrometry. The yield amounts of illudin S (1.3 mg/about 10 g Omphalotus japonicus) at one running are determined by liquid chromatographic calibration. It is concluded that by requiring a natural material and cost-effectiveness, our method represents a significant improvement over complicated techniques for the purification of illudin S from natural materials.