Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 34(5), 521 (2018).

Measurement of Electron Transfer within a Single Supramolecular Assembly Containing a Biological Molecule
Takafumi KOZAKAI, Takanori HARASHIMA, Manabu KIGUCHI, and Tomoaki NISHINO
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
We report on a method to measure the electron transport of a single molecular assembly by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The STM molecular tip together with a chemically modified substrate was utilized to form an assembly with a single target molecule. This method was successfully applied to a heme peptide to reveal the transport property of a single peptide-containing assembly. The present work opens a way to create functional single molecular devices using biomolecules.