Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 29(10), 1009 (2013).

Simple Preparation of Solid-phase Microextraction Fiber with Cation Exchange Capacities Using Poly(butadiene-maleic acid)
Yingli ZHU, Guobin SHEN, Feifang ZHANG, and Bingcheng YANG
School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, P. R. China
A simply way was proposed to prepare solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber with cation-exchange functional groups by the thermally initiated radical polymerization of poly(butadiene-maleic acid) (PBMA) copolymer onto a silica capillary. The capacity of the fiber coating could be easily controlled by fabricating successive layers of PBMA. The performance of the fiber combined with ion chromatography was evaluated by choosing Mg2+ and Ca2+ as model analytes; ∼13 and ∼51-fold enrichment factors for Mg2+ and Ca2+ were obtained, respectively.