Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 24(4), 521 (2008).

Accurate Measurement of Atmospheric Helium Isotopes
Yuji SANO, Taichi TOKUTAKE, and Naoto TAKAHATA
Center for Advanced Marine Research, Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Nakano, Tokyo 164-8639, Japan
We have developed an analytical system to measure atmospheric 3He/4He ratios precisely by using a static vacuum operation mass spectrometer and an ultrahigh-vacuum purification line. After purification of the sample, helium was introduced into the mass spectrometer. Ion beams of 3He and 4He were measured at the same time by a double collector system. A resolving power of about 700 at the 5% level of the peak height was attained for the complete separation of 3He ions from those of HD and H3. Repeated analysis of a sample calibrated against a standard showed a precision of about 0.2% error margin (2σ). This system has been applied to evaluating the 3He/4He ratio of He Standard of Japan (HESJ), and for the assessment of the atmospheric variation of latitude. The observed 3He/4He ratio of HESJ, 20.405 ± 0.040Rair (2σ) agrees well with the value of 20.408 ± 0.044Rair by Lupton and Evans, but is smaller than the recommended value of 20.63 ± 0.10Rair in a literature. Air samples collected from 45 to 20°N in the Far East showed a slight decrease of the 3He/4He ratio with latitude. Even though the variation is attributable to an experimental artifact, it may not preclude the possibility that the anthropogenic release of crustal 4He is significant in the high-latitude region of the northern hemisphere.