Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 22(5), 701 (2006).
Quantitative DNA Imaging in Breast Tumor Cells by a Hadamard Transform Fluorescence Imaging Microscope
Hong-Wu TANG, Mei-Na LUO, Tao LI, and Li PAN
Center of Analysis and Measurements, College of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
This paper presents a novel Hadamard transform (HT) fluorescence imaging microscope by combining multiplexed imaging technique with a conventional upright fluorescence microscope for single-cell imaging and quantitative cellular analysis. The HT imaging microscope can provide 511 × 512-pixel single-cell image with high sensitivity within 21 s. In this study, the high potential value of the microscope in biomedical analysis has been demonstrated by using it to evaluate the malignancy degree of thirty cases of human breast tumors based on the measurements of cellular DNA contents, with conclusions highly accordant with pathological diagnosis. The results show that the HT microscope has the ability to analyze very small specimens and the capability of detecting very high ploidy cells, which are advantages over flow cytometry. The microscope was also successfully applied to cellular morphological analysis, and it was demonstrated that a significant linear relationship exists between tumor nuclear DNA contents and the nuclear area, and malignant and benign tumors are significantly different in both DNA contents and nuclear area. The reliability of the HT microscope in cellular DNA measurements was also investigated.
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