Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 20(4), 731 (2004).
Improvement in Reliability of Probabilistic Test of Significant Differences in GeneChip Experiments
Kyoko TODA, Seiichi ISHIDA, Kotoko NAKATA, Rieko MATSUDA, Yukari SHIGEMOTO-MOGAMI, Shogo OZAWA, Jun-ichi SAWADA, Yasuo OHNO, Kazuhide INOUE, Koichi SHUDO, and Yuzuru HAYASHI
National Institute of Health Sciences, 1-18-1 Kami-Yoga, Setagaya, Tokyo 158-8501, Japan
A probabilistic test (FUMI theory) for GeneChip experiments has been proposed for selecting the genes which show significant differences in the gene expression levels between a single pair of treatment and control. This paper describes that the reliability of the judgment by the FUMI theory can be enhanced, when the selected genes are referred to biomolecular-functional networks of a commercial database. The genes judged as being differently expressed are grouped into a cluster in the biomolecular networks. It is also demonstrated that false positive genes have a trend in the networks to be isolated from each other, and also away from the clustered genes, since the false positive genes are randomly selected.
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